Team Energy Journeys
A team is far more than just the sum of its parts. With the same levels of skill and training, one team wins a tournament while another team languishes at the bottom of the table. The team which wins and performs at their best inevitably has something extra.
Our Energy is the key determinant of our outcomes, and global research is telling us that the levels of disengagement are distressingly high. Towers Watson and Gallup suggest it may be as high as 87%. Imagine if you owned an eight cylinder vehicle. This means only one out of eight cylinders is firing, and that is not enough Energy to get you out of your own garage!
When a team works with the magical qualities of the unmeasurable ingredients to high performance, trust levels improve, communication flows and commitment and accountability render spectacular results.
Team Energy Journeys can be tailored to fit both time and budgetary guidelines and can vary from tracking the Big Five, to on line workshops or immersive adventures into the inner cities of extraordinary countries.