What could we catalyze?

Everywhere we look, if we are open, we see diversity.

No too things are ever the same scientists tell us. 

In fact, in all our senses, when we are finely attuned, we experience diversity. 

It is present in all literature. Only 26 variables in the English alphabet, yet every book, newspaper article, report, and yes at these times, even fake news, is made up of a combination of these letter. In music, if I remember my scales, there are only 8 or 9 notes, yet every new song we ever hear and every old classic is a magically unique combination of a few limited variables – and thankfully, there will never be an end to the amount of music we hear.

My art teacher from Grade 1 used to tell me that there are only three primary colours visible to the naked human eye. As far as I am aware, Red, Blue and Yellow still occupy their rare places in this lineup. And yet, when I track in the bush, and just notice the seemingly  endless shades of green and brown alone, I realise that there is no end to the concept of colour.

So, diversity is all around – but what is it that really makes it work?

Perhaps it is the presence of a Catalyst. A creative, joining force which adds value yet remains the same throughout.

Could it be Vision? Or Values? When we see a new possibility together, do we not mobilise with meaning.

Might it be Energy? That when we have a spark of charge in our batteries, we galvanise all the other working parts in our engine to collaborate towards reaching a destination.

It could be Creativity or innovation? There may be many things which cause us to embrace our unique differences in service of the common good.

So, writers will catlyze letters into books, Musicians will organize notes into symphonies, and artists will paint pastels into panoramas.

Chefs of course will make marvelous meals out of different ingredients all the time, and as South Africans we only need to remember what happens when a Coach and a Captain get together to embrace their diversity, and sweep 54 million people along with them to lift the William Webb Ellis Rugby World Cup.

Perhaps the Catalyst emerging for us now, more than ever is that of Leadership?

And that does not only belong in the realm of one person, no matter how great a job is being done.

The question remains for me:

What am I catalyzing today?

If even only through a warm conversation with my children, or a smile with my eyes over my mask at the Supermarket cashier.

Great possibility lies in diversity. The probability of it happening resides with the catalyst.